Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Attention baby has been found...whew!!!Thank you Lord.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Here we are 4-5 months into the process of adoption. So far it has been paperwork..tons of paperwork..documented, notarized, triplicated, duplicated,etc...
We would like some tangible results, but there is only more paperwork. Or there is the usergroup posts where we can read about everyone else's journey, and all of their challenges they are facing..expensive travel, sick babies, then sick parents, unexpected delays and unexpected expenses, where are all of the good postings of the babies after they get home here in USA? They are very few.
Does all of that seem discouraging?, it certainly can be. Did Abram and Sarai feel discouragement when they were instructed by Jehovah to leave their homes and their families? Did their family and friends give them discouraging arguments about how their actions were brash and that they were making a mistake? You know they heard all of that. But what if their journey had ended right there, what if they had backed away from what God had called them to do, who would have missed out? They would have..God would have found someone else who was willing to follow His instructions. I want to encourage everyone who is feeling like maybe this path is too hard or too long or too fraught with potential sickness or any number of other challenges. STAY THE COURSE!! Remember how you felt about the journey when you took your first step down this path less traveled.
Don't let your fears or impatience
or the discouragement of others change your direction. Yes these kids do have more health problems than a domestically adopted child may have, and yes there are more hurdles to leap. But know that the children in Liberia are being willingly and freely put up for adoption because of the sickness and the life they are destined to live, if they live, how desperate must those mothers be to give their children up, knowing they will never see them or talk to them again. Their desperation is our call to respond. The very fact that every child rescued from this country and brought into our homes in America is truly physically and by God's Grace spiritually SAVED. That fact ought to keep us energized and encouraged. I will end this post with a prayer that the families that have opted to adopt from Liberia will be lifted up and will be renewed in their hearts and that their burdens will become lighter...Amen


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