We met lots of neat people and look forward to next year.:)
Channie has decided she does not like car washes..She gets pretty up-set when the lights start flashing and the big blue rollers come toward the car..I guess if I was 1 I would be scared too..Thank good-ness for her she has a brave daddy who will protect her from those big bad car washes.......I hope she realizes that he will always protect her and I hope she always feels safe in his arms....I know I do.
It's so much fun having the three little ones grow up together. They always have a friend to do something with and they never have to worry about being bored.I pray the bond between my children will continue to blossom and grow as the years go by..I hope they stay close and I pray they will never take each other for granted..(hey all things are possible with the Lord...:)
I hope their memories of growing up together will forever be with them and they will cherish this time they got to be so close.

1 comment:
You are so good about taking pics! I haven't taken pictures in a couple of weeks.. . .I guess i need to get on it! Love you. I was praying for your sweet boy this morning. . .can't wait to meet him one day.
Love you,
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