I have to tell you I'm alittle nervous about the up coming days ahead with the surgery and all. I already Love Jo-Jo so much and I can't see our life without him.
This is a huge surgery and I know he will have to go through so much. I don't want to have to see him in pain. I know this will be for his good and he will feel better but I wished I could do this part for him...
I struggle with should I let his mom know that his surgery is on Tuesday.
I think I'm going to wait until it is over so I can send pictures of him before and after....I wonder if she is wondering though.
I know that this is the day she has waited for his whole life. It's here now and her worry of him growing up normal is at last going to be a reality.
He will have a chance to be a strong healthy little boy...I'm so thankful we got the the opportunity to help him, to love him and to be his American family....What a Gift.
I plan on taking pictures through out his stay in the hospital the good and the bad..so make sure you check in so you can get a up date...
Please continue to pray for him and Dr. Kirkland as he does his surgery.
Hi! Thanks for all the great updates. We are all SO glad Jo is home! He looks so happy and like he already feels at home. I will be praying for him on Tuesday!
Has anyone ever told you you look like Gretchen Wilson? :o)
You have great kids!
I will definitely be praying.
I love you guys. I love the pictures of all the kids together.
PS Could you change the color of your font? It's so hard to read that I have to highlight it all to read it. . .just a thought. . .not that you have ANYTHING else to do!
All the Hickmans are praying for your family and especially Jo Jo.
Love, Missy
I just wanted you to know that I am praying fervently for Joseph and his surgery tomorrow... I have been thinking about you guys often... Things have been so crazy here with us traveling to Liberia shortly after you did, and I haven't had the chance to write, but I have been thinking about you. It was so strange being at the guest house because I just knew we were in the room that you had been in... No one told me, I just knew it and it made me think and pray for you often. I love your family and I am so glad to see the pictures of Jo with all his brothers and sisters.
Love you,
Praying for little Jo today, Robin!!! Are y'all at SV? or Children's...
We are praying for Joseph.
May God give you comfort as you wait.
In Christ,
Melissa Arnold (AOH family)
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