So I know it's been a long hot summer and you don't feel like running or eating right.
You're thinking you might not be ready for the big 5-k...
Come on, you know anything worth having is hard, hard work but it will pay off in the end..
So if your new to my blog and don't know about the 5-k look on my side-bar for the 5-k sign-up and read our story and then sign up it's that simple.
I need you guys to be with me on this. I need my friends to run to honor William..
I don't want to do this one alone...
So as an extra incentive we have put together a runners grab bag...It's got some very cool things, some useful things, and a few funny things thrown in...All you have to do is leave a comment and tell us where you're from and how you're preparing for the run.
We will leave this post up until Monday at 12:00pm and then announce the winner on Tuesday morning...We will pick a winner from the hat method.....Even if your not able to come to the run leave us a comment to let us know you're supporting us.....
Where I'm at in my training:
I'm running 2 miles...yippee
My clothes are too big....big yippee
I eat lots of salads which I have come to love..
I look forward to my work-outs (ok so I lie):)
I have added weekly hikes into our schedule to get more work-out time..
So leave a comment and maybe you'll be our first big winner..... As we get in shape to remember Our William....
My family is still training. We run 3 miles 3 times a week. We stretch and do calisthenics the rest of the week. I too have lost weight. I am feeling better too.
Can you email me again? tc1967@juno.com
Way to go Theresa,
I know this has been a rough year for your family also....
I can't wait to meet you!
We are definatly supporting you all the way!
Hey Robin!
I'm still hanging in there. I have been jogging (or wogging as my family calls it) 3 times a week. I haven't measured distance yet, but time - I run for 35-40 minutes. (I don't think I run very far though.)
Hey - you did say this 5K was over flat ground and in an air conditioned space, right?
Hey Darby,
LoL on the level ground part.
I'll fan you all the way..:)
love ya keep up the good work,
You know we will be supportive the whole way! Love you guys so much!
blah...blah...blah... Any advice for a totally un-motivated failure?
Can't I just plant a tree to honor William?
I just wanted to say, Kathy, I love the video you posted. I can't wait to meet you all. I read these posts and I would very much like to get to know you all and your families. PS... Love the pics of Taylor
We run every other day and Sunday I ran 3 miles..Yipee! Rich and the boys were so proud of me...that was my first time to run 3 miles..they of course finished alot sooner than me! We are loving doing this in honor of William and it has been GREAT family time for us! We actually look forward to it!
Love ya sister,
Michael :)
Hi, Robin. I would love to be able to run in the 5k in October in honor of your William. I have been reading your blog for a few months and have commented a couple of times. I live in AL, and it may be possible for my whole family to come. I am just ready to begin walking/jogging again since the birth of my last baby. Don't put my name in the "hat" for the giveaway in case it doesn't work out for me to be there. I don't know the date or details. Could you e-mail me the specifics? I'm excited about the progress you've made and want to encourage you in your efforts to run this 5k in honor of your precious son. Your story of faith in this trial has been an inspiration to me. God is so good.
Amy in AL
Could you e-mail me the details re: the 5k run?
Amy in AL
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