Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Good Morning to J.T

We prayed a prayer of protection over Joesph's little life. We pray that he would
find favor with people today where-ever he is at. I prayed that he would feel loved
and accepted..Will you please join us in praying for him and our process.
All of this paper-work is so little in God's eyes..I know he is preparing Joesph for
our family as we wait on paper work to return. I pray that our paper work here
in Alabama will find it's way to someone that will move it along quicker..favor yes I'm
asking for a little favor myself in the CSI department...
God bless you all and may we all glorify Him today in all we say and do.

much love,


Brandi said...

Robin, I was praying this morning for you guys
For you: Comfort and Peace in this
For JT: protection from germs and mosquitos and any sickness. For his heart to be protected.
For his birth family: that they will come to a saving knowledge of Jesus to be reunited in paradise!

I LOVE YOU and am so thankful for your friendship. What a wonderful new surprise from the Father!

Anonymous said...

JT is such a cutie, what a blessing he will be to your family! We are keeping him and you all in our prayers


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