Pink bathing suits basking in the sun..
love love love these tummies...
love oozes out of these two like drool out of a basset hound.
napping on the grass
A pink bouquet of wild roses that my honey brought home for me last night. I love the way he remembers that our love has to carry us through the rest of our lives and you have to work to keep it alive. You have to keep everyday special and remember that just because I know he would never ever leave, our marriage needs to be fun and romantic, not a duty...I refuse to live out my life without any fun or romance. I'm so thankful that Scott doesn't let our passion die.
A great start to a great weekend...I hope you stop and play and mix in some wild roses in your day...
What a fun post!
I, also, have identical twin girls, so the twin pics always bring back memories. (My girls are now 21.)
Oh yes ... it is so very important to keep romance alive in a marriage. After 29 years together, we still flirt ... and kiss in public (the little ones cover their eyes) ... and hold hands whenever we walk side by side ...
My sweet husband still surprises me with flowers ... and I show him a bit of daily love by making him is morning mocha (with sprinkles on top).
Love your blog ... love your precious family ...
taylor led me here from facebook to see the cutest babies in the world...and i have to say, there is no doubt.
oh my - those girls in pink. CUTE CUTE CUTE! :)
so adorable!!!!
Babies are beautiful and the flowers. How sweet. I like your blog, don't see how you do all that you do.
God bless you and your family.
(met you in Gadsden @the coffee shop)
So cute! They are getting so big!
Oh- they are getting to be so cute!
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