Well we are back from a quick trip to the mountains. It was so good to get away.
We stayed in these great little cabins tucked back in the woods with a creek all around us so
the kids could inner tube and play in the water. I love being away and no interruptions from
the real world..We could not take a big trip this year because we are trying to save all the
money we can for our adoption of Joesph. It's funny how your priority's come right into focus when you realize you will need to make sacrifices to make this adoption thing happen..Our family voted on it when we first started talking about adoption and we all agreed that the blessing of a new life in our family was more important than more trips or more stuff..
We talked alot about baby Jo and how he is going to feel coming into our life.
We got a chance to let it sink in that our adoption is finalized in Africa and we should be traveling to get him by the end of next month.
I can't believe I'm going to Africa to bring back alittle boy.Whew it's a feeling you can't explain..
Thanks for your prayers and support,
Congratulations on Joseph's adoption being finalized!! That's wonderful! So happy for you. Our little guy is finalized too:)
YEA!!! Do you have any travel dates yet??? How soon will he have surgery when he gets home!
I'm so happy for you!! Love, Denise
Your family is SO beautiful. Every time I see pictures, I am just amazed at how beautiful you all are. I am glad you had a good time in the mountains. It's good to get time away like that as a family.
I still haven't heard any word on Henry's adoption, but I did get a few new pictures. I posted them yesterday.
I am praying that you will be able to travel by the beginning of the month!
Love you, Amber
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