Thursday, April 15, 2010

A wish

I looked at the wish and knew it wouldn't come true. Not from a chicken bone, but nonetheless it reminded me to say a prayer. To lift my heart heavenwards and whisper.
He already knew what I wished for, hoped for, needed long before I whispered but He listened again to my small voice. My hopes and dreams rest on Him. My daily bread is given by Him and I'm so thankful for the bread he has provided. He has given me a a beautiful life. My prayer was simple "Lord, let my food not only fill their tummies but their souls as well"..... Let my table, His table, be a place of refuge. A place where the sick are healed, the broken hearted mended, the downcast lifted up. Let the feet that dangle there be well rested when they depart from my table. His table. The one place I can minister to my whole family.Oh, Lord, let me always set a beautiful table before Thee..

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