Friday, February 8, 2008

I read this and fell in love with the truth and simplicity of the words

The writer said that no matter where we find ourselves we can trust that it is a green pasture for us where we will grow and thrive. And regardless of the circumstances around us we can trust that they are 'still waters' for us as long as we lay down beside them and drink of Christ. What a gentle rebuke! I thought that God could be choosing so many other circumstances or emotions or whatever for us and may someday, but for today it is boredom .... How small!

Sisters we are all going to have circumstances in our life that God is using to grow us may we learn to lay down and drink of Christ..Let us quit depending on our emotions to try and figure it "all" out..


Anonymous said...

oh yeah! Love, Denise

Brandi said...

Amen!! I LOVE how much God uses every circumstances. When they get really hard is when we go to Jesus and BEG that He use it BIG time so that we get every morsel out of it that He wants. . even our boredom. . .love it!

Love ya,
PS Did I just see that Scott has a blog?

S and K said...



S and K said...



KerriAmber said...

how beautiful are you and your thoughts of love! I clicked on today "at random" and felt God wink at me. Love a guy that winks.


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